Sunday, September 6, 2009

Raw Corn Chips

About this recipe:
These corn chips are the perfect transitional food if you decide to go all raw for a while and they are delicious with some fresh salsa. These crunchy crispy super thin crackers are naturally sweet and I added a little kick to them by adding some chipotle powder and fresh lime juice, feel free to experiment with different spices. Make sure to buy non-GMO, organic corn on the cob. Cut off the kernels by setting the cob with the tip down in a large mixing bowl, this way you are sure to catch all the kernels as you cut from the end to the tip. Corn is high glycemic so better to stay away if you are diabetic of are fighting candida.

You will need a dehydrator for this recipe.

• 5 c. corn kernels
• 1/2 c. flax meal
• 1 t. chipotle powder (you can also use a jalapeno if you have one)
• juice of one lime

1. Blend all the ingredients in a high speed blender. The finer you blend it, the thinner you will be able to spread out the mixture.
2. Transfer to two dehydrator sheets lined with Teflex, spread as thin as you can.
3. Dehydrate at 105F for about 4 hours until the top is dry. Place an empty tray on top and flip it over to the other side. Remove the Teflex and dehydrate until completely dry.
4. Break in pieces and store in an airtight container.

Raw Asparagus Carrot Soup

About this recipe:
This soup has an amazing combo of flavors . It is chuck full of essential fiber, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. The beta-carotene in the carrots is essential for cell growth and a strong immune system. The drizzle of olive oil in the soup is essential because carrot is fat-soluble so its nutrition will be better absorbed. Do not worry too much about the sugar content that is present in carrots by keeping it to a bowl a day, your body will be just fine handling this amount. Plus with the super alkalizing effects of the raw asparagus it will give you a nice boost of energy.

• 1 c. green asparagus, woody ends cut off and cut into 2 inch pieces
• 1 c. carrot juice
• 2 T. raw tahini (or almond butter)
• 1 t. union, chopped
• 1 t. Nama Shoyu or wheat free soy sauce
• pinch of salt & pepper to taste
• drizzle of olive or sesame oil

1. Put the first five ingredients in a high speed blender. Blend just enough to create a smooth soup (over-blending will cause unnecessary oxidation which results in loss of nutrients).
2. Taste and adjust the flavors if needed.
3. Poor into two bowls, drizzle some oil, pepper and salt to taste. Decorate with a tip of an asparagus.

Serves two.