Friday, December 26, 2008

Kefir Butter

About this recipe:
Now that you've learned to make your own kefir-sour cream, its easy to make your own kefir-butter, a butter that will have all healthy enzymes still in tact. It will taste better than any butter you've tasted before. All you need is a kitchen machine with S blade and some ice cubes on hand.

• 2 c. kefir-sour cream
• ice water

1. Put the sour cream in a blender with an S blade. 
2. Blend on high speed, after a while you will notice that the consistency of the sour cream changes. The sour cream will split up in butter fat and butter milk.
3. Poor out the watery substance that has formed. This is the butter milk. You can also save this and use it for baking or cooking.
4. Continue to blend the butter, adding 1/4 cup of ice water (but not the cubes) to it. The ice water will separate all the butter milk from the butter. Strain out and repeat about 4 more times until the strained water is clear.
5. When done, scoop out the butter with a silicon spatula. Press down into a mold. This can be anything, I used a small sauce dish.
6. Press with the back of a spoon into the butter. You will notice that more water will come out of the butter. Strain and repeat until there's no more water.
7. Refrigerate for up to one week. Freeze for longer time.